Hardware accelerated network monitoring: NetFPGA

During my third year at Télécom Bretagne, I worked on a project with two colleagues to develop an hardware accelerated network monitoring tool using a NetFPGA. This low-level project was very interesting and made me discover how to develop directly in hardware using a language called Verilog. To let you discover this project, I pasted […]

Django better than a CMS?

I recently had to rewrite a website I’m maintaining for a very small business: Le fil à soi. They are 3 teacher who offer courses of chinese massage, qi gong and Gestalt therapy in Bordeaux, France. The requirements for the website are quite simple: presentation of the place, the people, and contact information pages for […]

My UWA widgets

I am yet migrating to this blog all the projects I maintain. As part of this process, I just migrated all the UWA widgets I created. UWA widgets are tiny web applications that can run on platforms like Netvibes, IGoogle, Live.com, Opera, the Vista sidebar or the Apple dashboard. I describe all these widgets in […]