Hello world

As I write this article, this blog isn’t yet available online.

With this blog, I intend to create a place where I will present my projects, present myself, and discuss with the persons interested in my projects.


This blog is available in English and in French. I first write my posts in French, then I translate them into English. As I don’t know English as good as I know French, and as I am sometimes lazy, the english version is likely to be less complete and contain more errors than the french one. However many of my projects can be interesting for non-French speakers, thus I will always at least write a biref of my posts in English.

I would like to translate this blog into German in the future, but for now it seems too complicated to me. I hope a stay in Germany in the near future will help me with this task 🙂 .

To come

As this blog is yet new and empty, I will begin to migrate my most important present and past projects here. These projects will be the topics of my next posts.