
Sorry, this project is discontinued because of a lack of time. If you want to start maintaining it, contact me.

This program is used to ease the watching and saving of the free TV channel broadcasted by the ResEl (students’ network of TELECOM Bretagne). This program is useful only for people in TELECOM Bretagne, so I won’t completly translate this article into English. But it can be easily adapted to other networks.


This program is written in Java. It was my first program in Java. I improved it a lot along the new versions, but there are probably still some bugs. Tell me if you find them.


  1. Display the available channels list, this list can be updated through a button in the configuration
  2. Show a channel (“Lire la chaine” button or double-click in the list)
  3. Save immediatly a channel (“Enregistrer la chaîne” button) (All files are put in a directory you can configure)
  4. Programm the saving of a channel (“Programmer un enregistrement” button). It can be unique or repeted per day or week. If VLC stops during the saving (bug), a new saving is immediatly started.
  5. Timeshifting (simply start a saving and read it)
  6. Display the TV program. You can configure a saving directly from the program
  7. Browse current savings and programmations
  8. Browse, manage and read your saved files


  • Be connected to the ResEl network
  • Operating system : Tested with Windows Xp, Windows Vista and Linux Ubuntu Edgy Eft, Feisty Fawn and Gutsy Gibbon, should work with any recent windows or linux
  • A recent virtual Java machine installed
  • VLC installed


Main screen of TvOnResEl

Main screen of TvOnResEl

Active savings in TvOnResEl

Active savings in TvOnResEl

Programmed savings in TvOnResEl

Programmed savings in TvOnResEl

Configuration of TvOnResEl

Configuration of TvOnResEl

TV program of TvOnResEl

TV program of TvOnResEl

TvOnResEl's taskbar icon

TvOnResEl’s taskbar icon


All download links:

- TvOnResEl installer for Windows: TvOnResElWinSetup.exe

- Compressed executable TvOnResEl file for Windows:

- Compressed executable TvOnResEl file for Linux 32 bits (normal):

- Compressed executable TvOnResEl file for Linux 64 bits:

- Sources of TvOnResEl:


Creative Commons License

This creation is under a Creative Commons contract.